AILab Howest

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Applied Research for Next-Generation
Energy Systems

Korte inleiding wat het Energielab doet...

Our topics

Our Topics

Energiemanagement optimaliseren met AI

AI offers transformative capabilities in energy management by analyzing data from sensors, smart meters, and IoT devices in real-time. Machine learning algorithms allow us to optimize energy consumption patterns, predict demand fluctuations, and identifiy opportunities for energy savings.

By dynamically adjusting energy usage based on predictive analytics, AI enables organizations to minimize waste, reduce costs, and lower their carbon footprint. AI-driven solutions empower organizations to achieve their sustainability goals while maximizing operational efficiency. Moreover, AI enhances the resilience and reliability of energy infrastructure by predicting and preventing equipment failures and grid disruptions. By proactively addressing potential issues, organizations can minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted energy supply.

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Projects in the spotlights

Integratie van AI-tools voor energietoepassingen

Bedrijven beseffen dat een verdere digitalisering nodig is om te blijven innoveren, groeien en hun processen efficiënter te maken. Vanuit bedrijven groeit wel de vraag over hoe ze ondersteund kunnen worden in de energietransitie, zonder dat dit grote kosten meebrengt.

Rethink Energy 4 Food

Met Rethink Energy 4 Food wil het projectconsortium de energietransitie in de Vlaamse voedingsindustrie versnellen. Er worden nieuwe technologieoplossingen ontwikkeld bij voedingsbedrijven die zo bijdragen tot aan de Vlaamse 2030 doelstellingen.

Onze missie en doelstellingen

Our mission

— To bridge the gap between cutting-edge AI research and real-world solutions, by developing practical AI-applications for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and citizens.

Our vision

— By optimizing the Data & AI pipeline – from raw data to application – we unlock accessible AI for Flanders and Europe. We focus on AI as technology and do not limit ourselves to the newest AI Tool. This will empower citizens and SMEs, fostering their competitiveness and resilience, and ultimately contributing to a flourishing innovation landscape.


Energy Lab, Energy experts in Kortrijk

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Test 1

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